
07.01.14 Masha Bast congratulates Сhristians with Christmas /video/

Masha Bast congratulates Сhristians with Christmas

06.01.14 Russian Top-Lawyer Masha Bast held the action "Woman - not a commodity" against the discrimination of women

As Russian Top-Lawyer and Human Right Defender Masha Bast reported, she held the public action "Woman - not a commodity" before Christmas Eve . As Masha Bast said, the action was directed against the discrimination of women and against the involvement of women in prostitution.

As Masha Bast said, the women are discriminated by external grounds, not the personal qualities, but the gender and sex, including the professional sphere.

Masha Bast stressed, that she is also a victim of discrimination, who faced with discrimination in the professional sphere as lawyer and human rights defender, where the priority is given to men by gender.

According to Masha Bast, many women faced with a discrimination and forced into prostitution, but a lot of woman do not want to be a prostitute. That is why , Masha Bast holds  the poster " I do not want to be a prostitute ," Masha Bast said.

Masha Bast said, that she could to make the video on the South High Way M4 at one of the "points", where the regional drivers "buy" the woman.

03.12.13 Russian Top-Lawyer Masha Bast plans to give birth to two children

Russian Top-Lawyer and Human Rights defender Masha Bast said about her personal plans, which in her opinion should not prevent political career: Masha Bast plans to give birth to two children. Masha Bast said, that she began to look for best clinic and sponsors for the unique pregnancy.

Masha Bast, Russian Top-Lawyer and Human Rights defender

Top-Lawyer stressed, that she would like to have three children, so she will take one child from an orphanage.

Masha Bast has prepared a video to the world's clinics and sponsors: the expectant mother is ready to consider proposals from the clinics, working in the field of artificial insemination, working on the issue of pregnancy and the creation of an artificial uterus. Masha Bast believes, that her experience will solve the problem of millions of women in the world, who cannot be mother at the moment.

We wish Masha Bast strides toward coveted maternity and are confident that her dream will come true!

Contact Masha Bast via phone +7 495 968 30 44, mobile +7 965 166 57 43 or + 7 985 922 85 34, e-mail, Skype Marysvet79.

29.11.13 Association of Russian Lawyers for Human Rights will defend a lawyer Igor Popovsky in European Court of Human Rights

As Russian Top-Lawyer and human rights defender Masha Bast reported, the European Court of Human Rights have received a complaint in defense a lawyer Igor Popovsky.

on photo: Masha Bast, Russian Top-Lawyer and Human Rights defender
As Masha Bast said, the complaint connected with the pressure by Russian authorities against lawyer Igor Popovsy, which faced with the provocation from Russian law enforcement bodies during the defense of Nikolai Korolev. Russian authorities tried to forbid Igor Popvsky to defend Korolev. 
Masha Bast stressed, that lawyer Igor Popovsky refused to cooperate with law enforcement bodies and Russian authorities began political persecution against Popovsky.
As previously lawyer Igor Popovsky reported, the security of jail "Butyrka", as investigator said, during Popovsky visit to Korolev March 2013, allegedly found TNT after meeting between lawyer and Korolev in lawyers’ documents. As Igor Popovsky said, the documents were in jail office during a meeting with Korolev. 
Association of Russian Lawyers for Human Rights will continue the public control of the case of a lawyer Igor Popovsky and will follow up on complaints in European Court of Human Rights.

21.11.13 Russian Top-Lawyer and human rights defender Masha Bast called transgender people to defend their rights

Russian Top-Lawyer and human rights defender Masha Bast issued the photo of performance "From Day of Remembrance to Day of Defense " dedicated  Transgender Day of Remembrance.

As Mahsa Bast said, the aim of the performance is draw attention to the problem of transphobic crimes in Russia and problem of the suicide of transgender people. Also Masha Bast stressed, that transgender people have to leave the position of the victim and consistently and clearly defend transgender rights and freedoms.

As  Masha Bast reported, she chose nudity for the creative act - her body, symbolizing both the vulnerability of transgender people, and the necessity consistently and clearly defend transgender rights and freedoms. The letters "FSB " on naked body is a protest against the hushing up of the statistic of murders against transgender people, the official statistics in Russia is not committed crimes covered up and the information about victims of transphobia are not reflected in Russian mass media.

Remind,  first Transgender Day of Remembrance was held November 20, 1999 in San Francisco , a year after the murder of MtF- transsexual Rita Hester.

30.09.13 The account is open for help transgender people in the framework of the founding of the charitable foundation

As Masha Bast reported, she and her activists opened the account for help transgender people in the framework of the founding of the charitable foundation. Every person or organization may transfer money in the three types of currencies - rubles, dollars and euro.
Z916060201563 ( for payments in U.S. dollars )
E406387825037 ( for payments in Euro )
R322939897841 ( for transfers in rubles )

As Masha Bast said, the opening of an account is necessity, which connected with the increase in the number of appeals to her for help from transgender people. Transgender women and transgender men are need in financial support during transition and for the medical operations.

Today we publish the story of Veronica from Kherson (Ukraine), she is transgender woman , 26 years old. Veronica suffers the discrimination from her family, employers and medicine. Veronica wants to complete the transition, get an education and pursue science.

Veronica , 26 years old , MtF
"I felt from early age that I am woman, when the changes started in teenage and I looked like boy, I was shocked! I wanted to get away from life! I did not know what to do, I was scared about it to someone to say, and my parents badly treated me and certainly condemned me. It was a nightmare, I could not look in the mirror, and I started the hormonal therapy and continue for four years. I need surgical correction. I wanted to leave home, but my grandmother stopped me and understood, mother disowned meI tried to work and earn money in Ukraine for the correction. I do not have regular access to the Internet, I do not know how to type, my friend helps me. Thank you for your support! "

Committee on Women's Rights and Gender Equality has condemned the discriminatory statement of Russian party West Choice

Committee on Women's Rights and Gender Equality of the European Parliament has condemned the discriminatory statement of Russian party "West Choice"
As the press service of the Association of Russian Lawyers for Human Rights reports, Committee on Women's Rights and Gender Equality of the European Parliament has condemned the refusal of party "West Choice" to accept to the party Masha Bast - transgender woman, famous human rights defender and lawyer.
In a statement the Committee expressed concern about fact of discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation, gender, invasion of privacy life.
Remind, party "West Choice", headed by Konstantin Borovoy, 26 September 2013 refused to accept to the party Masha Bast due to the fact that she is a transgender woman. As Mary Bast said, members of the party invited her to be a candidate in the presidential elections in 2018  and offered to lead party "West Choice" in the spring of 2014.

19.09.13 Masha Bast reports about the founding of the charitable foundation for transgender

Masha Bast, Moscow, Russia

Masha Bast as a lawyer and human rights defender reported, that she is going to found the charitable foundation  for transgender.
Masha Bast said, that the community of people from all over the world who have expressed the solidarity LGBT people and  who adjust their body according to their gender and who need assistance and defend has formed around her person.

Masha Bast stressed, that 240 000 -  280 000 transgender women approximately live in Russia, many of them were forced to leave their families and homes .

Masha Bast said, that 50 % of transgender women, who have made coming out, are forced into prostitution from the age of 12: the sphere of sexual services is criminalized and transgender woman has no possibility to leave prostitution , because they have not any protection from family, social and state. According to statistics, one-third of MtF commits suicide. It is one of the main reasons of special attention to transgender children and teenagers. The attention may help  to avoid the tragic fate.

Masha Bast addresses all people who are ready to participate the founding of the charitable foundation, Masha Bast and her activists are ready to accept any help and are open to contact.

05.09.13 Die LGBT-Community will ein Einreiseverbot für russische Homophobe nach Europa und die USA

Die LGBT-Community will ein Einreiseverbot für russische Homophobe nach Europa und die USA erreichen Mascha Bast, Vorsitzende der Bürgervereinigung „Sozialistinnen“, will gemeinsam mit Aktivisten der russischen LGBT-Community in Europa und den USA die Annahme einer Liste von Homophoben analog zur Magnistkij-Liste erreichen. Ihr Ziel ist es, die Einreise entsprechender russischer Politiker und Stars aus dem Showgeschäft in entwickelte Länder zu verhindern. Wie Mascha Bast gegenüber RBK Daily sagte, ist die Grundlage eine Liste, die von den LGBT-Aktivisten Nikolaj Baev und Nikolaj Alekseev erstellt wurde (veröffentlicht auf In alphabetischer Reihenfolge werden Politiker und Richter aufgeführt, die sich homophob geäußert haben, die entweder zu Gewalt und Diskriminierung gegenüber Vertretern der LGBT aufgerufen oder diese unterstützt haben. Unter den berühmten Persönlichkeiten in dieser Liste befinden sich der Präsident der Russischen Föderation Vladimir Putin, Patriarch Kirill, der Beauftragte für Kinderrechte Pavel Astachov, der Vorsitzende der LDPR Vladimir Zhirinovskij, der erste stellvertertede Sekretär des Präsidiums des Generalrates von „Einiges Russland Andrej Isaev [Anm.d.Übers.: dem ein Pilgerhotel bei Trier gehört], der Dumaabgeordnete Iosif Kobzon, der Vorsitzende von „Anderes Russland“ Eduard Limonov, die Vorsitzende des Föderationsrates Valentina Matvienko, der Oppositionelle Aleksej Navalnyj und andere. „Die Liste stammt noch aus dem Jahr 2011, früher wurde sie nur nicht vorangebracht,“ erklärt Mascha Bast. „Wir werden jeden Menschen auf dieser Liste diskutieren und nicht nur die Zitate, sondern auch die Quellen prüfen.



Robert Kaminsky – a mayor of Svobodny had been under four falsified criminal cases. The mayor had been removed from office. He restored all his rights now;
Evgeny Tkachuk from Mytischi had been under falsified criminal case, He restored rights now;
Tamara Buylova – an entrepreneur from St. Petersburg had suffered extortion of bribes, her business had been under corruption pressure. She restored her rights. Her business is developing now;
Marat Musin – a businessman from Salavat his business had been under corruption pressure. He restored rights. His business is developing now;
Andrei Kuz'min – a businessman from Kazan his business had been under corruption pressure in Arbitrage. He restored rights.
Tatiana Vdovina from Saransk Her son was had been killed by youth group in Night club. Only one murderer was sentenced to 15 days of arrest. The sentence was quashed.
Boris Barelyuk – an entrepreneur from Moscow his business had been under corruption pressure. He restored rights. His business is developing now;

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