As the press service of the Association of Russian Lawyers for Human Rights said, since August 1, 2014 the Istanbul Convention has been come into force. The Istanbul Convention is aimed to the protection of woman from domestic violence. Russian human rights defenders consider, that the Istanbul Convention should be ratified by Russia.
The specialists of the Association have prepared the proposals and formally addressed to the Russian lawmakers and drew their attention on necessity to ratify the Istanbul Convention.
The working group of the experts noted, that the Istanbul Convention provides for a set of necessary measures that will solve many of the problems and causes of discrimination against women and violence, inequality, etc. Thus, the Convention is based on the interests of the victims, and contains a comprehensive set of practical tools that can help improve response by all relevant actors. The Convention requires Parties responsible for the prevention of violence, protection of victims and prosecution of perpetrators of violence, and are obliged to adopt the measures necessary for the formation of a comprehensive policy in these areas, and women will get more opportunities.
According to the experts of the Association, violence against women is seen as a violation of the Convention of Human Rights and as a form of discrimination, that is, if the state does not respond appropriately to such violence, that for this they are responsible. In addition, the experts emphasized, the Convention lists a number of new criminal offenses, such as the mutilation of female genitals, forced marriages, harassment, forced abortion and forced sterilization. The Convention has already called for the to engage in this activity with all relevant government agencies and services in order to combat violence against women and domestic violence conducted in a coordinated manner, and means that government agencies and human rights organizations will not act alone , and work on the basis of agreements on cooperation.

on the photo: Maria Bast, human right defender, lawyer
The chairman of the Association of Russian Lawyers for Human Rights Maria Bast said, that one of the most serious problems – the absence of the state protection of women from domestic violence. Maria Bast considers, that the state must intervene to protect women in situations when women are forced to leave their homes with their children and hiding from persecution of husbands, relatives, to save his life, literally, and often, when it comes to women fleeing aggression in the family, they are not finding protection in Russia seek refuge abroad, but woman need a protection at homeland.
Among the mechanisms that would help to promote the protection of women against violence, says Maria Bast may be the foundation of the federal government center of protection and rehabilitation of women victims of violence, where women and children would be under the protection of the state, as the staff and specialists of the center. However, the human rights defender said, the foundation of the center will require the legislative amendments in the sphere of the family relationships, criminal and administrative law, also the specialists pay attention on the necessity of the criminal responsibility for female genital mutilation of female genitals, forced marriages, harassment, violence abortion and forced sterilization.
Maria Bast said, that the working group for human rights and experts of the Association are ready to work with the Russian lawmakers in this sphere.
As the press service of the Association of Russian Lawyers for Human Rights said, continues the collect of the proposals and initiatives women rights: + 7 495 968 30 44 / + 7 495 922 85 34, e-mail rusadvocato@gmail .com,, via the feedback form on the website and e-mail Russia, Str. Nikoloyamskaya, b. 49, structure 1, office 409.
Women, subjected to violence, threat of violence, harassment and discrimination based on gender may addressed, may addressed the information via the contact listed above.