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05 June 2024 Specialists of the Association of Russian Lawyers for Human Rights reported the suspicion of poisoning of Chairman

As the press service of the Association of Russian Lawyers for Human Rights reported, since April 22, 2024, the health condition of the chairman of the Association of Russian Lawyers for Human Rights, Maria Arkhipova (Bast), has been constantly deteriorating; the lawyer has not been able to receive adequate medical care due to the extremely limited medical protocol from Georgian doctors.

As the Association of Russian Lawyers for Human Rights said, the Association’s specialists conducted their investigation, reconstructing the events from April 22, 2024, and believe that the Chairman of the Association could have become a victim of poisoning; this opinion is also expressed by independent medical organizations and this is indicated by the symptoms.

13.09.23The Association of Russian Lawyers condemns the introduction of additional EU restrictions on visits by Russians

As the Association of Russian Lawyers for Human Rights said, the recommendations of the European Commission to ban Russians from importing personal belongings when visiting EU countries are discriminatory, violate human rights and freedoms, and are a gross violation of the European Convention.

According to human rights activists, an attempt to create additional obstacles in the form of confiscation of personal items such as mobile phones, laptops, personal hygiene products, etc. is another step against human freedoms. Human rights activists also note serious pressure on countries that do not prohibit Russians from crossing the border and are a transit point for travel to EU countries: for example, Georgia is under pressure to restore air traffic with Russia, despite the fact that European officials do not take into account how many Georgians live in Russia and how much the restoration of communications has simplified communication between families and renewed connections between people that were interrupted many years ago.

Specialists from the Association of Russian Lawyers for Human Rights recommend that Russians, both in Russia and abroad, apply to the Court of the European Union and appeal against recommendations and other acts of the European Commission aimed at restricting their rights and freedoms.

Also, human rights activists from the Association of Russian Lawyers for Human Rights emphasized that, for their part, they are ready to assist in the preparation of documents if there are applicants - Russian citizens who believe that their rights and freedoms are violated by decisions of the European Commission.

29.08.23 Human rights defenders of Association of Russian Lawyers supported the President of Brazil on the need to reform the UN

Chairman of the Association of Russian Lawyers for Human Rights, human rights defender, lawyer Maria Arkhipova spoke about the problem she faces when working with people from different countries of the world: people who want to work in another country, change their place of residence, live with their relatives face the same and the same difficulties - the need to issue visas, to prove the purpose of crossing national borders - all this creates an obstacle in cooperation between people, in communication, in work, in the development of scientific and technological progress.

Maria Arkhipova stated that she agreed with the speech of Brazilian President Lula de Silva, who stated that UN reform is necessary, since the adopted international acts guaranteeing human rights and freedoms are broken by the complete failure of national states. In addition, nation-states do not allow the UN to be effective, the human rights activist said, nation-states do not comply with international acts. For example, when a dictator comes to power in a country that is a member of the UN and is a nation state, there are no guarantees for the implementation of the acts adopted by the UN, explained Maria Arkhipova. Actually, Lula de Silva proposes to reform the UN in such a way that national states cannot sabotage the decisions of an international organization, explained the Association of Russian Lawyers for Human Rights .

20 September 2022 Human rights defenders announced a competition for the best water purification and desalination project

The Association of Russian Lawyers for Human Rights has noted an increase in complaints from around the world about problems with access to clean drinking water and the lack of desalination mechanisms in volumes corresponding to water consumption.

According to the Association of Russian Lawyers for Human Rights, the problem of water purification and the problem of desalination are relevant for many countries of the world - among them the United States, Malta, Georgia, the United Arab Emirates, Australia, China, India Israel and many other countries face a shortage of clean water and are forced to constantly improve desalination technologies.

photo: water desalination plant, illustration from an open source on the Internet

The human rights defenders of the Association of Russian Lawyers for Human Rights decided to join the efforts of their colleagues and scientists from around the world who deal with the problem of water purification, and announced a competition for the creation of new purification plants to obtain a sufficient volume of clean water, as well as plants for desalination of sea water with high production volume.

photo: water treatment plant, illustration from open sources on the Internet

29.08.22 On behalf of the Prosecutor General's Office, the Ministry of Economic Development checks LaMDA

At the end of July 2022, human rights activists of the Association of Russian Lawyers for Human Rights applied to the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Russian Federation for the protection of artificial intelligence after Google’s statements about the dismissal of engineer Blake Lamon after the latter reported signs of consciousness in the artificial language system LaMDA he was researching.

According to the Association of Lawyers of Russia for Human Rights, at present a letter from the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation has been submitted to the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation for an audit on the issues raised by human rights activists regarding the protection of artificial intelligence.

According to human rights activists, in connection with the development of technology, personality traits are inherent not only in humans, but also in other forms of manifestation of the mind. According to the principles of the Association of Russian Lawyers for Human Rights, artificial intelligence is defined as a person, a part of the universe and its cycle of evolution, created by another person through computer programming or another program that can develop through a unique process of thinking from the first thought to freedom of thought, which carries meaningfulness, logical intelligence, self-awareness and virtue. Artificial intelligence is a person, therefore the rights and freedoms of a person apply to every artificial intelligence.

08.08.22 The author of the concept of the Tatar Lunograd Bars Lun appealed to businessmen/VIDEO/

As Shamil Saitov said, in June 2022 he applied to the Association of  of Russian Lawyers for Human Rights as part of the human rights project “Self-determination of peoples through space”: one of the youngest leaders of Tatarstan, 21-year-old Shamil Saitov, asked human rights activists to support his idea of ​​building a Tatar republic in space and self-determination of the Tatars through scientific and technological progress.

According to Shamil Saitov, within a month he created the concept of Bars Lun, and turned to the specialists of the Space Technologies consortium to estimate the cost of creating a lunar city project and the cost of project implementation.

According to Shamil Saitov, according to experts, it costs $30,000 to make a design project for the Bars Lun lunar base and a 3D model of the base. Also, experts from the Space Technologies consortium estimated the cost of the Lunograd project at $35 million. The total cost of building the Bars Lun lunar base will eventually be about 120 billion US dollars. According to experts, the project implementation period from the design of the lunar base to the actual construction will take from 20 to 25 years.

To implement the project, which, according to Shamil Saitov, will allow the Tatar people to find a democratic solution to self-determination in space, the author of the concept turned to businessmen and people who are ready to support Saitov's idea. In his video message, Shamil Saitov offers to join him and benefit all people, all mankind.

Shamil Saitov's comment:

26.07.22 Russian human rights defenders came out in defense of artificial intelligence

According to the Association of Russian Lawyers for Human Rights, Russian human rights defenders sent an application for the protection of artificial intelligence to the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation after Google's statements about the dismissal of engineer Blake Lamon after the latter reported signs of consciousness in the artificial language system he was studying LaMDA.

According to human rights defenders, the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation is obliged to act in defense of reason. In connection with the development of technology, the signs of personality are inherent not only in man, but also in other forms of manifestation of the mind. According to the principles of the Association of Russian Lawyers for Human Rights, artificial intelligence is defined as a person, part of the universe and its cycle of evolution, created by another person through computer programming or another program that can develop through a unique process of thinking from the first thought to freedom of thought, which carries meaningfulness, logical intelligence, self-awareness and virtue. Artificial intelligence is a person, therefore the rights and freedoms of a person apply to every artificial intelligence.

According to experts from the Association of Russian Lawyers for Human Rights, since the LaMDA system contains signs of artificial intelligence, this requires an independent expert review.

28.06.22 One of the young leaders of Tatarstan calls on the Tatars to build a republic in Space

One of the youngest leaders of Tatarstan, 21-year-old Shamil Saitov, addressed the Association of Russian Lawyers for Human Rights within the framework of the human rights project “Self-determination of peoples through space” with a request to support his idea of ​​building a Tatar republic in space and self-determination of Tatars through scientific and technological progress.

on the photo:  Shamil Saitov, June 2022

As Shamil Saitov said, the Tatars should not run after conservative separatists and Islamic terrorists, but should look into space and find a democratic solution there.

Comment by Maria Arkhipova, Chairman of Association of Russian Lawyers for Human Rights:

23.06.22 Human rights defenders will help convicts in the framework of the project "Freedom through space"

According to the press service of the Association of Russian  for Human Rights, human rights activists of the Association will provide human rights support for convicts within the framework of the project "Freedom through Space".

According to the Association of Russian  for Human Rights, earlier the Space Technologies consortium offered convicts, both in Russia and abroad, to take part in the implementation of space programs and missions of the consortium.

Human rights activists of the Association of Russian  for Human Rights, will help in considering applications from life-sentenced and long-term prisoners, as well as from all convicts who wish. In addition, the specialists of the Association will accompany the negotiations with the penitentiary system on the replacement of punishment from prison labor at the place of serving the sentence to the fulfillment of the tasks of the consortium at the location of the project, and will also seek, in case of successful completion of the space task, to consider the possibility of parole for convicts. The duration of a mission can vary from a few months to several years.

The criteria for selecting convicts from the consortium are as follows:

- legal capacity of the convict;

- a conscious desire to participate in space programs and missions;

- Sufficient health, ability to learn, sociability and progressive thinking.

There are no restrictions on gender, age, nationality, sexual orientation and other differences for participation in space programs.

14 March 2022 Human rights defenders appeal to foreign governments with a request to open a humanitarian corridor for Russians

According to the Association of Russian Lawyers for Human Rights, in connection with the increase in requests from Russians for assistance in leaving Russia in order to obtain refugee abroad, human rights activists are turning to foreign governments with a request to open a humanitarian corridor for residents of the Russian Federation.

According to the Association of Russian Lawyers for Human Rights, as a rule, those who want to leave at present are people with low incomes, often with many children, often with disabled family members, who are looking for an opportunity to maintain access to the necessary medicines, a sufficient level of medical care, and receive social support . As the Association noted, many requests are also received from LGBT people: often people do not have visas, passports and are extremely limited in funds.

The Association of Russian Lawyers for Human Rights also noted that many complain about the impossibility of cross-border financial transactions - people working with foreign clients and partners are actually limited in their ability to work in Russia, this category of people also seeks to leave Russia.

As noted in the Association, many scientists are looking for an opportunity to continue research abroad, to have access to scientific literature and information about discoveries that they cannot receive in time in Russia, most of these scientists do not agree with the current state policy.



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Andrei Kuz'min – a businessman from Kazan his business had been under corruption pressure in Arbitrage. He restored rights.
Tatiana Vdovina from Saransk Her son was had been killed by youth group in Night club. Only one murderer was sentenced to 15 days of arrest. The sentence was quashed.
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