
16.03.2020 Human rights defender Maria Bast appiled to the countries in connection with the spread of coronavirus/VIDEO/

Chairman of the Association of Russian Lawyers for Human Rights, the lawyer, human rights defender and professional manager in the space industry Maria Bast, recorded a video statement to countries and peoples in connection with the spread of coronavirus.

On the photo: Maria Bast, lawyer, manager of Space Administration

According to Maria Bast, coronavirus is a crisis of human civilization, and if people want to defeat the coronavirus and subsequent problems and disasters on Earth, then humanity must join resources and efforts and explore space, expand the human environment, and make space a comfortable living environment. According to Maria Bast, the problem of overpopulation on Earth has made itself felt, and mankind has the opportunity to save not only their lives, but also all life on Earth, if humanity is exploring space, creating its bases in orbit, on satellites and other planets.

More details in video by Maria Bast

21.02.15 The protest "Science instead of religion" was held In Gorki Leninskie

As the representatives of the Organizing Committee of the left forces reported, the protest  "Science instead of religion" was held in Gorki Leninskie in Moscow region 21 February 2015, where the left wing activists protested against the construction of the temple opposite the entrance to the Museum of Vladimir Lenin.

on the photo: the slogan "Science instead of religion", the protest against the constuction opposite the entrance to the Museum of Vladimir Lenin, 21 February 2015

The protest took place at the square in front of the temple.

on the photo: the slogan "Take away the temple, priest!", 21 February 2015

As the activists told, the representatives of the Organizing Committee of the left forces held in their hands the posters with slogans "Science instead of religion", "Take away the temple, priest", "Mind against religion" etc.

on the photo: the slogan "Mind against religion", 21 February 2015

The Organizing Committee of the left forces announced the protest "Science instead of religion" in Gorki Leninskie 21 February

As the press service of the Association of Russian Lawyers for Human Rights reported the activists of the Organizing Committee of the left forces planned the protest "Science instead of religion" in Gorki Leninskie 21 February 2015.

The activists said, that the main goal of the protest is the protest against the interference of the Church in the affairs of the state, against the violation of the principle of secularism and against the construction of the temple in front of the Museum of Vladimir Lenin in in Gorki Leninskie.
As the press service said, the Organizing Committee of the left forces issued a video in which the activists speak about the building of the temple at the entrance to Museum of Vladimir Lenin.
The protest "Science instead of religion" planned 21 February 2015, from 14.00 to 15.00 Moscow times, the place of the protest - Gorki Leninskie Moscow region, Leninsky district, the main entrance to the Museum-Rreserve Gorki Leninskie.

02.02.15 The protest "Science instead of religion!" of the left-wing activists was held In Gorki Leninskie /video/

As the press-service of the Association of Russian Lawyers for Human Rights reported, the specialists of the Association received a complaint from the director of the Museum-Preserve Gorki Leninskie in the Leninsky district of Moscow region about the construction of an Orthodox church at the entrance to the museum of Vladimir Lenin.

The construction is carried out almost in front of the Museum of Lenin. The activists of leftist movements also confirmed the information, the Association of Russian Lawyers for Human Rights said.

According to the activists, 01 February 2015 the protest "Science instead of religion!"  was held near the the entrance to the Museum-Preserve Gorki Leninskie. During the protest the activists expressed their attitude to construction, which violated the principle of the separation of church from the state in Russia. According to the activists, the posters of the activists were "Science instead of religion", "Do not touch Lenin, etc.

25.01.15 The civil activists and left-wing forces protested against illegal construction in Gorki Leninskie

As the press service of the Association of Russian Lawyers for Human Rights reported, that the protests against the demolition of the monument "Walking Lenin and against the attempts of the commercial construction of the cottages and warehouses at the territory of Gorki Leninskie were held 24 January 2015.

on the photo: Maria Bast, chairwoman of Association of Russian Lawyers for Human Rights
The protests were timed to the day of the funeral of Lenin, the activists commemorated Lenin, holding pickets around the historic route - at the southern entrance to the Gorki Leninskie

on the photo: the southern entrance to the Gorki Leninskie, 24.01.2015

- on the route of the funeral procession of Lenin to the railway station Gerasimovo (Leninskaya) and near the monument "Walking Lenin" at Kashirskoye high-way.

18.01.15 Chairwoman of the Association of Russian Lawyers for Human Rights opposed the repression and extrajudicial reprisal

As the press service of the Association of Russian Lawyers for Human Rights reported, 18 January 2015 Chairwoman of the Association of Russian Lawyers for Human Rights Maria Bast expressed her position and opposed the repression and extrajudicial reprisal. Maria Bast held a picket  in Moscow on Revolution Square. As  Maria Bast said, the perimeter of the square was surrounded by police, the police permitted the cars. Picket, as Bast reported, lasted for 15 minutes, the police patrolled the square and did not interfere. Maria Bast held in her hands  a poster, which called to stop the repression and supported Mark Halperin, who are in temporary detention facility on 38 days.

on the photo: Maria Bast, Moscow, 18 January 2015

According to Maria Bast, she is not share the political views are of Mark Halperin, and the picket has the human rights character, because as chairwoman of the Association of Russian Lawyers for Human Rights Maria Bast is concerned in connection with the start of the practice of arrests maximum duration for a single picket in Russia and in connection with the beginning of widespread use of extrajudicial reprisal and reprisals against the opposition with the liberal views.

Maria Bast comment:

The extra-judicial reprisal and 30-day arrests against opposition, began in Russia. Pro-Kremlin “Antimaidan” calls to kill LGBTQ

As Association of Russian Lawyers for Human Rights reported, starting from 15 January 2015 Russian authorities supported the foundation of the pro-governmental movement "Antimaidan", which will fight with the dissidents, support the extrajudicial reprisal against Russian opposition, courts started to sentence to the maximum periods of arrest - 30 days, the criminal prosecution for the expression of the civil position.

According to the experts of the Association, 15 January 2015, Russian mass-media announced the foundation of the organization "Antimaidan", which was initiated by Alexander Zaldostanov (Russian biker, the leader of the movement “Night wolves”, the owner of the night club in Moscow), a member of the Federation Council Dmitry Sablin (the relative of the ex-governor of Moscow region, Russian oligarch), Nazi writer Nikolai Starikov. The movement, as the founders said, will fight with the so-called "color revolutions". According to the initiators of the movement, in fact, aimed to combat the dissents, the aggressive organized groups of supporters of the authorities will be participate at all the actions that they will be regarded as anti-state and make “certain actions” ( During the press-conference the speakers called to fight against dissents, some groups of citizens, called to kill LGBTQ-people, as a blogger said

07.01.15 Russian government has restricted the rights of LGBT, amputee and color-blind to drive a vehicle

As the press-service of the Association of Russian Lawyers for Human Rights said, 06 January 2015 Russian Government adopted the decision №1604 "About the list of the medical contraindications, medical conditions and medical restrictions to driving", which significantly restricted the rights of LGBT people, people with limb amputation and rare, including and hereditary eye diseases, people shorter than 150 cm to drive a vehicle. All these groups may stay without the driving license.
First time Russia included to the list of medical contraindications to driving the group of diseases, according to the International Classification of Diseases №10, the personality disorders and behavior in adulthood F60 - F69. All transgender people, bigender, asexuals, transvestites, crossdressers, people who need in a sex reassignment were recognized by Russian Government as a people with the deviations. The state deprived these groups their rights to drive a vehicle.

on the photo: Alexander Peskov, Russian parodist

Russian human rights defenders make a statement with the special proposal to the legislators to ratify the Istanbul Convention

As the press service of the Association of Russian Lawyers for Human Rights said, since August 1, 2014 the Istanbul Convention has been come into force. The Istanbul Convention is aimed to the protection of woman from domestic violence. Russian human rights defenders consider, that the Istanbul  Convention should be ratified by Russia. 
The specialists of the Association have prepared the proposals and formally addressed to the Russian lawmakers and drew their attention on necessity to ratify the Istanbul Convention.
The working group of the experts noted, that the Istanbul Convention provides for a set of necessary measures that will solve many of the problems and causes of discrimination against women and violence, inequality, etc. Thus, the Convention is based on the interests of the victims, and contains a comprehensive set of practical tools that can help improve response by all relevant actors. The Convention requires Parties responsible for the prevention of violence, protection of victims and prosecution of perpetrators of violence, and are obliged to adopt the measures necessary for the formation of a comprehensive policy in these areas, and women will get more opportunities.

11.07.14 Roundtable "Women's Rights in Russia and abroad" held in Moscow

As a press-service of Association of Russian Lawyers for Human Rights reported, roundtable "Women's Rights in Russia and abroad" held in Moscow July 10, 2014 in press center “Moskovsky Komsomolets”.

Chairwomen of Association of Russian Lawyers for Human Rights, Russian Top-Lawyer Maria Bast invited the experts for the discussion “Women's Rights in Russia and abroad".
The roundtable gathered the representatives of different women’s movies and human rights defenders, assistants of MP of the Russian State Duma, representatives of the Council of Europe in Russia.
Maria Bast opened the discussion and proposed all to express their position on women's rights in Russia: respect and observance of women’s rights in Russia, the problem of idealization of the situation with women’s rights in EU, the critical attitude to the information from EU.

on the photo: Maria Bast, July 10 2014
Maria Bast stressed, that Russia was the locomotive at the beginning of the XX century for women’s rights in the world. As Maria Bast said, that Great October Revolution of 1917 brought women rights, women become the subjects of law, women got the right to vote. The achievements of Soviet Women triggered a wave of feminism around the world.

on the photo: Svetlana Gannushkina



Robert Kaminsky – a mayor of Svobodny had been under four falsified criminal cases. The mayor had been removed from office. He restored all his rights now;
Evgeny Tkachuk from Mytischi had been under falsified criminal case, He restored rights now;
Tamara Buylova – an entrepreneur from St. Petersburg had suffered extortion of bribes, her business had been under corruption pressure. She restored her rights. Her business is developing now;
Marat Musin – a businessman from Salavat his business had been under corruption pressure. He restored rights. His business is developing now;
Andrei Kuz'min – a businessman from Kazan his business had been under corruption pressure in Arbitrage. He restored rights.
Tatiana Vdovina from Saransk Her son was had been killed by youth group in Night club. Only one murderer was sentenced to 15 days of arrest. The sentence was quashed.
Boris Barelyuk – an entrepreneur from Moscow his business had been under corruption pressure. He restored rights. His business is developing now;

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