
04 August 2021 A mother of two children complained to human rights defenders about the inability to reunite with her family /VID

A citizen of Uzbekistan Feruza Sultanova, a mother of two children, who for two years has not been able to reunite with her husband, a citizen of South Korea, applied to the Association of Russian Lawyers for Human Rights. The daughter and son of Feruza Sultanova from different fathers, the official husband of Feruza wants to adopt an older child and take the whole family to South Korea. The biological father of the eldest child through the court imposed a ban on his daughter's departure from Uzbekistan, which keeps Feruza and the children in Uzbekistan against their wishes.

As Feruza Sultanova said, the biological father of the eldest child claimed his rights to him, the court established paternity, determined meetings between the child and the father, appointed minimal alimony, but this man seemed not enough, and through the court he banned the child from leaving Uzbekistan.

As Feruza said, due to the current situation, she is forced to live with two children away from her husband, who has work, housing, parents in South Korea: Feruza's husband fully provides for her and her two children.

03 August 2021 Human rights defender Maria Arkhipova (Bast) assessed the current level of consciousness of human civilization

As the Association of Russian Lawyers  for Human Rights said, within the framework of the Association's work, questions are often asked related to the philosophical platform of the Association, and among them there is often the topic of whether human civilization has reached a sufficient level of development for the first contact with a highly developed civilization.

Maria Arkhipova (Bast) voiced her attitude to the issue of the uniqueness of human civilization. According to the human rights activist, given that there are trillions and trillions of stars in the Universe, it is illogical to consider ourselves unique, the only living beings. At the same time, the lack of contact from the side of highly developed civilizations, the human rights activist connects with the low level of development of human civilization as a whole, the understanding of the need to respect human rights and freedoms. For example, Russians are more often concerned not with the observance of human rights and freedoms, but with wages, housing services and similar everyday issues, although human rights and freedoms, the level of democracy determine everyday life. The logical connection between the observance of human rights and freedoms, democracy, and the rule of law among Russians is weak. It is important to understand what kind of civilization, if it is highly developed, will come into contact with creatures who have not established logical thinking. It is important to understand that civilization is assessed not individually, not by scientists, not by cosmonauts, but as a whole - in aggregate with all its contradictions and unsolved problems.

Read more about the position of human rights activist Maria Arkhipova (Bast) in the video on the YouTube channel Maria Bast.

05.05.21 Human rights defenders congratulate on the Day of Europe

On May 05, 1949, representatives of ten states signed the Charter of the Council of Europe, since 1996 and to this day Russia is a member of the Council of Europe. Europe Day has been celebrated annually on May 05 as “the day of peace and unity in Europe” since 1964.

Human rights defenders remind that Russia, as a member of the Council of Europe, has joined the basic principles of observance of human rights and freedoms and has undertaken obligations to ensure respect for human rights and freedoms and their protection in accordance with the European Convention on Human Rights.

Human values, respect for human rights and freedoms, humanism are the priority of all participating states. However, not all participating states develop evenly: in some countries, human rights and freedoms are better observed, somewhere there is a serious attack on human rights and freedoms, and universal values ​​are being replaced by traditional values ​​and ideas of certain regimes that are far from democracy.  All this causes an imbalance within Europe and leads to double standards of respect for human rights and freedoms and democratic principles.

09.11.20 Human rights defenders propose to remove the term of "race" from legislation

According to the Association of Russian Lawyers for Human Rights, the term “race” should be excluded from all regulations - from the Constitution of the Russian Federation to by-laws, and they also propose to abandon the term at the international level as outdated and unscientific, since humanity has no different races.

Earlier, the Minister of Justice of the Federal Republic of Germany Christine Lambrech took the initiative to abandon the concept of "race" in the German constitution, human rights activists of the Association of Russian Lawyers for Human Rights consider this step justified and relevant for all countries and propose to get rid of this nonexistent concept and Russian legislation.

on photo: Christine Lambrech, Facebook

According to human rights defenders of the Association of Russian Lawyers for Human Rights, initially the use of the term "race" was intended to emphasize the distance from racial ideology, but today the term is outdated and rather indicates the permissibility of racial discrimination in the country by its mere mention in the country's constitution. At the same time, the experts of the Association emphasized, the term “race” should be replaced by a formulation that excludes racism: human rights activists propose a ban on discrimination based on any external difference.

15.10.20 For negative condemnation of Ukraine's policies, Facebook blocked the profile of human rights defender Maria Bast

According to the information of the severenses from Ukraine, they wanted to start supplying honey to Russia from September 2020, however, the Security Service of Ukraine became aware of the plans for the supply of severenses to Russia, which, both directly and through Ukrainian nationalists, began to threaten the Ukrainian sevryuk with reprisals against them and their families, accuse of separatism and cooperation with the "aggressor". This policy was criticized by the chairman of the Association of Russian Lawyers  for Human Rights Maria Bast (Arkhipova), Facebook considered that the negative opinion, condemnation of political repression in Ukraine in the person of the Ukrainian state violates the norms of the Facebook community, and the profile of the human rights activist was blocked for 30 days from October 14, 2020.

Commentary by Maria Bast (Arkhipova), Chairman of the Association of Russian Lawyers  for Human Rights:

14 September 2020 Human rights defenders demand that social media recognize the ownership of verified users of social media

According to the press service of the Association of Russian Lawyers for Human Rights, over the past 2 months the number of complaints about the blocking of profiles and pages on social networks, with which users do not agree, has increased, especially often people face problems on Facebook.

According to the specialists of the Association of Lawyers of Russia for Human Rights, the recognition of ownership of a profile by a person who has confirmed his account with a passport or other document replacing it is the only logical solution that will protect the rights of the owner. The reason for blocking a profile or a page must be a court decision, the experts of the Association said.

As the Association of Lawyers of Russia for Human Rights said, for many today a page or profile on social networks is part of their private life, part of their professional activity, and blocking without warning is an interference in a person's life, hindering his professional activities, because many profiles and pages exist for more than 10 years, it contains unique information collected by a person or information from an organization, the owner of which is not the person himself, but the owner of a social network, and billions of people on planet Earth are hostages of one owner, and their information is not their property, but is the property of the owner social network. This leads to the fact that the property of billions of people is at the disposal of one person, and gives unlimited power to use and dispose of this information, to make a profit, sometimes not in the interests of the people themselves.

15.07.20 Association of Russian Lawyers for Human Rights considers Bill Mizulina-Narusova a crime against humanity

According to the press service of tAssociation of Russian Lawyers for Human Rights, the Association’s specialists work with information from official sources on the bill introduced by a group of Russian senators on July 14, 2020, which will forbid people who have changed their gender in documents to make changes to birth certificate and other documents, also the bill will actually violate medical and judicial secrets. In addition, they said, the text of the bill includes amendments requiring all citizens to prove before marriage that they have a genetic gender, i.e. submit a certificate of analysis for the karyotype (number and structure of chromosomes). According to human rights activists, people with a genetic or hormonal disorder will also lose the opportunity to marry.

According to human rights activist Maria Arkhipova, the intervention provided for by the bill in private life will lead to large-scale violations of human rights and freedoms, will become an instrument for destroying families, careers, existing lives of people who have been married for decades and have children, such a bill, if adopted, will form a criminal the practice of placing people in isolation on the basis of sex at birth - women will end up in men's prisons and vice versa. As Maria Arkhipova explained, such a law, if adopted, is a crime against humanity and is comparable to the Holocaust against Jews and is analogous to the Nuremberg law of 1935, which in turn is the basis for the formation of a tribunal if adopted.

07.07.20 Human rights defender Maria Bast supported the #StopHateForProfit campaign

According to the press service of the Association of Russian Lawyers for Human Rights, on July 05, 2020 the page of human rights activist and chairman of the Association of Russian Lawyers for Human Rights, Maria Arkhipova (Bast), was blocked on Facebook after posting a publication against racism and intolerance.

According to Maria Arkhipova, Facebook has often begun to block free speech and apparently makes profit from hate campaigns and racism, as it blocks publications against discrimination. According to the human rights activist, earlier it was customary to write off such locks on artificial intelligence errors, but when the locks began to become widespread, this can not be explained by anything other than a Facebook policy aimed at enriching due to discrimination and racism.

According to Maria Arkhipova, the #StopHateForProfit campaign was created by organizations that have long been fighting discrimination and protecting human rights. Campaigners urge businesses and organizations to abandon Facebook ads and not enrich a company that thrives on racism.

According to the press service of the Association of Lawyers of Russia for Human Rights, Maria Arkhipova plans to file a lawsuit in connection with discrimination by Facebook.

08.04.20 Human rights defenders supported the guarantees of the right of property in space /VIDEO/

According to the press service of the Association of Russian Lawyers  for Human Rights, on April 6, 2020, US President Donald Trump signed a document that guarantees property of resources extracted in space. According to human rights defenders, the initiative is useful for the development of outer space and private space companies.

In connection with the US initiative, the chairman of the Association of Russian Lawyers  for Human Rights, Maria Arkhipova (Bast), published a video explaining the importance of the signed document for space exploration in comparison with the outdated Agreement on the Activities of States on the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies in 1979 (text of the document on the link

As explained by Maria Arkhipova (Bast), the guarantee of property in space will arouse interest in space exploration and resource extraction by private companies. Moreover, Maria Arkhipova welcomed similar decisions previously made by Luxembourg, as well as Ukraine at the end of 2019. According to Maria Arkhipova, the interest in space of private companies previously relied on government orders, in the new conditions, commercial organizations will be able to start implementing their own programs aimed at new technologies for the extraction and processing of resources, and profit from new activities.

As the human rights defender stressed, the right to property is a human right, and this right should be ensured both at the level of private space organizations and at the level of legal mechanisms that allow the use of both guaranteed law at the level of international law and national law of the aforementioned states.

30.03.20 Human rights defender Maria Bast said about the right to life under COVID-19 /VIDEO/

Maria Arkhipova (Bast), a human rights defender, lawyer, professional state manager in the space industry, said about the right to life in the context of the spread of COVID-19.

Maria Arkhipova (Bast) also spoke about the forecasts for 2016 prepared by the Consortium Space Technologies about the inevitable pandemic in the coming years.

In the video, Maria Arkhipova (Bast) talks about who is involved in cryonics in Russia, about the signing of an agreement between the Consortium Space Technologies and the Kriorus company led by Valeria Pride, which allows you to send the body or brain of a cryonized person into orbit or into space, where they will be safer, as the impact of various earthly factors will be excluded.

Maria Arkhipova (Bast) also talks about the reasons for the lack of reversible cryonics at present and what needs to be done to ensure the right to life, the role of space exploration and space activities.

When asked how to ensure the right to life in the face of risks on Earth, what technologies are there, Maria Arkhipova (Bast), a lawyer, a professional state manager of the space industry, answers.



Robert Kaminsky – a mayor of Svobodny had been under four falsified criminal cases. The mayor had been removed from office. He restored all his rights now;
Evgeny Tkachuk from Mytischi had been under falsified criminal case, He restored rights now;
Tamara Buylova – an entrepreneur from St. Petersburg had suffered extortion of bribes, her business had been under corruption pressure. She restored her rights. Her business is developing now;
Marat Musin – a businessman from Salavat his business had been under corruption pressure. He restored rights. His business is developing now;
Andrei Kuz'min – a businessman from Kazan his business had been under corruption pressure in Arbitrage. He restored rights.
Tatiana Vdovina from Saransk Her son was had been killed by youth group in Night club. Only one murderer was sentenced to 15 days of arrest. The sentence was quashed.
Boris Barelyuk – an entrepreneur from Moscow his business had been under corruption pressure. He restored rights. His business is developing now;

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