

In support of International Anti-Corruption Day 09 December 2010 Association of Russian Lawyers for Human Rights in framework of Anti-Corruption Civil Society Center CLEAN HANDS is introducing a new webpage "The Victims of Russian Corruption" where the video messages of the citizens, whose rights and freedoms have been violated by corrupt officials and corrupt law enforcement officials, are posted. The address of the webpage “The Victims of Russian corruption” . Any citizen of Russian Federation affected by corruption pressure of officials or law enforcement authorities may post his video addressing.
It is enough oral or written addressing with the attachments of the quite truthful suspicions of corruption to participate in the project “The Victims of Russian corruption”.
Please contact a specialist of CLEAN HANDS +7 (495) 968-30-44, (495)923-34-98(twenty-four-hour hotline).
Quick Reference: The UN General Assembly designated 09 December as International Anti-Corruption Day. The significant date has been celebrated since 2004. This decision was taken in order to raise awareness of corruption and of the role of the United Nations Convention against Corruption in combating and preventing it.


The experts of Russian Anti-Corruption Civil Society Center Clean Hands have invited officially Arnold Schwarzenegger the outgoing governor of California to participate in the civil anticorruption project Mobile Office as participant of the civil mobile group  fighting against  corruption in Russia.
As the specialists of Clean Hands said, Arnold Schwarzenegger a Republican has repeatedly announced among World Mass-Media that after leaving his post of governor, he would devote himself to nonprofit work. The specialists of Clean Hands asked Arnold Schwarzenegger for trying himself as civil activist and entering the team of Mobile Office to work with Russian citizens and their complaints about corruption.
We note that the project Mobile Office began its work at Domodedovo city in autumn 2009, when the activists opened the headquarter to get the complaints about corruption in village Matveevka at the 52nd km of the M4 "DON". The mobile group of specialists of Clean Hands with the civil support of Civil Control  and Civic Platform of party United Russia and other activists  opened  the headquarter of Clean Hands to get the complaints about corruption  from residents of Krasnodar region, as a result  200 complaints about corruption  were taken during several days of the visit in October 2010.
The experts of CLEAN HANDS are planning the presentation of the report about corruption in the Krasnodar region in December 2010.  
Specialists of CLEAN HANDS believe that the involvement of well known representatives of civil society, culture, science, in anti-corruption activity makes fighting against corruption more effective.

23 NOVEMBER 2010 The first assembly of founders of Russian People’s Movement

Evgeny Arkhipov, Chairman of Russian People's Movement

The meeting of founders and members of the new political Russian People’s Movement was held 20 November 2010 in Moscow.
The founders and supporters of Russian People’s Movement approved the statute and program of the new political movement. Also the founders and members of the Russian People’s Movement decided to begin the state registration of the movement as soon as possible.
The members of the movement approved the symbolic and hymn of Russian People’s Movement: the blue flag with two crossing lines of yellow stars and the musical fragment of Russian people’s song Dubinushka.
Evgeny Arkhipov was elected as a Chairman of  Russian People’s Movement 20 November 2010 in Moscow.
Evgeny Arkhipov opened the discussion of the draft of the new Constitution of Russia.  The human rights and freedoms took the central place in the new Constitution of Russia, which had been prepared by Association of Russian Lawyers for Human Rights. The first time in history the principles of transhumanism and human right to life extension fixed in the draft of the new Constitution.
The members of Russian People’s Movement discussed the foundation of the civil platform “People’s Political Discussion Club”.
Marina Zlotnikova and Nikolay Plesovskyh, civil activists, Dmitry Firsov an expert-Russian Anti-Corruption Civil Center CLEAN HANDS supported the foundation of the civil platform “People’s Political Discussion Club” for dialog between Russian authorities and people. The first discussion about necessity of changing of Constitution of Russia is planned in December 2010.


The new political movement “Russian People’s Movement” will be presented at the meeting of supporters and members of the new Russian political movement 20 November 2010 in Moscow.
The assembly of members and founders of the new movement will start at 11.00 AM in conference center “Extropolis Red Rose”.
Evgeny Arkhipov, The Chairman of the Association of Russian Lawyers for Human Rights, Marina Zlotnikova, civil activist, Dmitry Firsov an expert-Russian Anti-Corruption Civil Center CLEAN HANDS will open and conduct  the meeting, also the participants will declared the aims, goals and program of Russian People’s Movement.
The members of Russian People’s Movement have informed that the movement has been based on the new political ideology which was combining the transhumanism and democratic values.
The members of the new movement will discussed the statute of the movement and the draft of the new Constitution of Russian Federation, which prepared by Association of Russian Lawyers for Human Rights.
Also the members of the movement will discuss the  necessity of foundation of the civil platform “People’s Political Discussion Club” for dialog between Russian authorities and people.

The meeting will be held in Russia, Moscow, conference center “Extropolis Red Rose, Lev Tolstoy street, b.16 at 11.00 AM.


27 of September 2010 the residents of village Matveevka located in Domodedovo city and  Government company Avtodor signed  the agreement and  approved a new project of the construction of the items tolls near 52nd km of the highway M4 "DON".
The residents of Matveevka said, that due to the attention of mass media, residents’ civil activity and protests, support of NGOs and various political movements, both at national and international level, the villagers and Russian Government could achieve the agreement.
The signed agreement included all the wishes of the owners, according to convinces of the agreement: the lanes of highway M4 Don at the 52nd km were reduced, the items tolls were moved back to Moscow. Also Avtodor is bound to build the abutment and install the noise-reducing screens.  Furthermore, all roads in Matveevka  will be paved by Avtodor.
Residents of Matveevka thank everyone at national and international level who provided the support during the year of fighting and who helped them to reach the agreement.

16 September 2010 Silence in Russia

As Marina Zlotnikova a coordinator of human rights movement ANTIMENT in Russia said, Russian President banned the rally for freedom of speech in Russia, which should take place on Vasilievsky descent near Red Square in Moscow. She was informed about it by the commandant of the Kremlin in ordering tone.
Important, that according Article 8 of Russian Law about assembly only Russian President has right to permit rally near Red Square and Kremlin.
As Marina Zlotnikova told our correspondent, one day before she and one of the activist was pressured and got some threats of their life and health by intelligent services.
In particular, Dmitry Ryabikov from Voskresensk (city 50-miles from Moscow) said, that he was pressured by 2 representatives of Russian intelligent services, as he said, two people are 35-40 years old detained him in the street and explained him, that gathering people to participate in rally on Vasilievsky descent is illegal and they said, he may be shooted and drowned in Moscow-river.
Other activists – Alexey Zelenov, Ludmila Gayduk - from village Rechnik (suburb of Moscow) several days before also were suffered the pressure: their cars were set fire by unknown people during the night.
As Marina Zlotnikova said, the commandant of the Kremlin did not suggest any other alternative places for the rally.
Marina Zlotnikova consider, that the ban of the rally is the proof that the Russian Government is initiator of censorship and Russia goes back to totalitarianism in a worst form when everyone is under total control and under pressure.

04 AUGUST 2010 The raid on the Free Gaza Flotilla on 31 May 2010 Opinion on international law by Prof. em. Dr. Norman Paech

Opinion on international law
Prof. em. Dr. Norman Paech
University of Hamburg
I. The facts
The raid by the Israeli army on the Free Gaza Flotilla in the early morning of 31 May
2010 aroused worldwide indignation. In the raid, nine passengers on the Mavi Marmara,
sailing under the Turkish flag, died, and at least forty-five were injured, some of them seriously. While a considerable body of opinion sees this as a serious breach of international law, and even speaks of war crimes, the Israeli army regards itself as fully justified, and following an internal review has admitted only that there were some slips in the planning and execution of the seizure of the ships1.

03 JULY 2010 The Chapel Instead of The Item Tolls

on the photo: the worship cross at Matveevka, Domodedovo city, Russia

on the photo: the worship cross


As the residents of village Matveevka which is located on the 52nd kilometer of highway M4 "Don" have told the press-service of Association of Russian Lawyers for Human Rights that the place where the construction of item tolls and increase of vehicular traffic to the place of Olympic Games 2014 year was planned, the worship cross has appeared today.
Earlier, the owners of the plots and houses in Matveevka announced plans to build a chapel on the place of planning of the construction of the  item tolls on  the 52nd km of highway M4 "DON", and  the residents of Matveevka  erected the cross  at the Olympic lane  on 3 July 2010.
As the residents said, they would begin to build the chapel as soon as possible and also they were planning to open the account for donations for the construction of the chapel.

20 June 2010 World Refugee Day

20 June 2010 is a World Refugee Day: Association of Russian Lawyer s for Human Rights is announcing “The Week of refugees’ rights in Russia” in frame work an international network of UNITED. Any refugee may get a free legal consultation of refugees’ rights by the following hotlines in Moscow:  + 7 495 968 30 44 or + 7 495 923 34 98 since 20 to 25 June 2010.
Recall that Russia faced a large number of refugees after the Soviet Union collapse. Unfortunately, the majority of refugees are still forced to wander in Russia, not having permanent homes. Many Russian-speaking refugees have problems of obtaining Russian citizenship.
However, there is another side of the problem of refugee rights are political exiles, people who are victims of political persecution.
According to European statistical agency, the majority of applicators for asylum in European Union countries are Russian citizens in 2009.
Note: World Refugee Day was proclaimed by the General Assembly on December 4, 2000.

09 June 2010 The official statement about the intervention of Russian intelligent services in civil activity

After participation of Association of Russian Lawyers for Human Rights at a press conference of international civil movement "ANTIMENT in Kiev 26 May 2010, where Evgeny Arkhipov a chairman of the Association announced the most corrupt positions of Russian law enforcement bodies and intelligent services the Association was faced with a regular lock of the hotlines +7 495 968 30 44 and +7 495 923 34 98: Since 27 May 2010 phones have not being receiving any calls , also the members of the Association were informed about the lock by the citizens who dialed additional phone numbers of the Association.
Receiving of calls was stopped 27 May 2010 despite the fact that one of the most popular Ukrainian Newspaper "Evening News" published several times in electronic and print versions the hot lines provided by the Association for Movement ANTIMENT. Moreover, the phones were mentioned in the Russian media, such as the Russian News Services (RSN) , , etc. but since 27 May 2010 have not been received. In addition, 8 June 2010 an activist of the Association during the conversation with technical specialist of services company "BeeLine "was informed that the number + 7 495 968-30-44 had some obstacles to receive a signal, but the operator could not explain the reasons of it.



Robert Kaminsky – a mayor of Svobodny had been under four falsified criminal cases. The mayor had been removed from office. He restored all his rights now;
Evgeny Tkachuk from Mytischi had been under falsified criminal case, He restored rights now;
Tamara Buylova – an entrepreneur from St. Petersburg had suffered extortion of bribes, her business had been under corruption pressure. She restored her rights. Her business is developing now;
Marat Musin – a businessman from Salavat his business had been under corruption pressure. He restored rights. His business is developing now;
Andrei Kuz'min – a businessman from Kazan his business had been under corruption pressure in Arbitrage. He restored rights.
Tatiana Vdovina from Saransk Her son was had been killed by youth group in Night club. Only one murderer was sentenced to 15 days of arrest. The sentence was quashed.
Boris Barelyuk – an entrepreneur from Moscow his business had been under corruption pressure. He restored rights. His business is developing now;

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