05 June 2024 Specialists of the Association of Russian Lawyers for Human Rights reported the suspicion of poisoning of Chairman

As the press service of the Association of Russian Lawyers for Human Rights reported, since April 22, 2024, the health condition of the chairman of the Association of Russian Lawyers for Human Rights, Maria Arkhipova (Bast), has been constantly deteriorating; the lawyer has not been able to receive adequate medical care due to the extremely limited medical protocol from Georgian doctors.

As the Association of Russian Lawyers for Human Rights said, the Association’s specialists conducted their investigation, reconstructing the events from April 22, 2024, and believe that the Chairman of the Association could have become a victim of poisoning; this opinion is also expressed by independent medical organizations and this is indicated by the symptoms.

Thus, the Association’s specialists said, the first symptoms of poisoning appeared on April 22, 2024, to which emergency doctors did not attach due importance. Actually, the deterioration in health began after Maria Arkhipova (Bast) came into contact with two previously unknown people whom she met during a trip to the mountains. As a rule, other people did not come to the height where Maria Arkhipova (Bast) climbed for skiing, but on April 22, 2024, 2 men stood near Maria Arkhipova (Bast)’s car, who said that they had come from Tbilisi, for what purpose they climbed the mountains, the men could not explain, after a short conversation the men left in their car, and Maria, after contact with her car (in particular, with the driver’s door handle on an SUV and several sips of water from a bottle that remained in the car), felt weak. Starting from this date, Maria Arkhipova (Bast) regularly sought medical help due to complaints of constantly changing muscle tone throughout the body, lack of sleep, total body weight loss of more than 10 kg per month; currently she has three uncharacteristic diagnoses in the digestive system (reflux esophagitis, cardial insufficiency, antral gastritis, which the patient had not previously suffered from, developed without reason), the medications taken did not provide relief, exacerbation of pancreatitis began, and in medical institutions a blood test for acetylcholines was never carried out - local laboratories refer to the long lead times for preparing the analysis and the fact that in order to carry out the analysis it is necessary to send samples to Germany, where tests are sent from Georgia irregularly. Currently used treatment only worsens the condition.

Currently, specialists from the Russian Bar Association for Human Rights have requested qualified medical assistance and diagnostics. The difficulty of delivering Maria Arkhipova (Bast) for treatment is that she is practically not transportable at the current date.

Specialists of the Association of Russian Lawyers for Human Rights hope for the speedy provision of qualified medical care and the recovery of their chairman.




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