08.08.22 The author of the concept of the Tatar Lunograd Bars Lun appealed to businessmen/VIDEO/

As Shamil Saitov said, in June 2022 he applied to the Association of  of Russian Lawyers for Human Rights as part of the human rights project “Self-determination of peoples through space”: one of the youngest leaders of Tatarstan, 21-year-old Shamil Saitov, asked human rights activists to support his idea of ​​building a Tatar republic in space and self-determination of the Tatars through scientific and technological progress.

According to Shamil Saitov, within a month he created the concept of Bars Lun, and turned to the specialists of the Space Technologies consortium to estimate the cost of creating a lunar city project and the cost of project implementation.

According to Shamil Saitov, according to experts, it costs $30,000 to make a design project for the Bars Lun lunar base and a 3D model of the base. Also, experts from the Space Technologies consortium estimated the cost of the Lunograd project at $35 million. The total cost of building the Bars Lun lunar base will eventually be about 120 billion US dollars. According to experts, the project implementation period from the design of the lunar base to the actual construction will take from 20 to 25 years.

To implement the project, which, according to Shamil Saitov, will allow the Tatar people to find a democratic solution to self-determination in space, the author of the concept turned to businessmen and people who are ready to support Saitov's idea. In his video message, Shamil Saitov offers to join him and benefit all people, all mankind.

Shamil Saitov's comment:

- This is a new milestone in the development of the Tatar people and all of humanity, new opportunities for business and investment in new technologies and the extraction of useful resources on the Moon, this is a new business, a new habitat, investments with a high payback. Bars Lun is going to produce new environmentally friendly energy resources - Helium-3 and deliver it to Earth. I involved in the creation of Bars Lun world-class professionals from the space industry - the Space Technologies consortium, the world's leading engineers, physicists, mathematicians. We plan to launch Lunograd at full capacity in 25 years, the first projects will already begin to work in this decade. These are communications, satellites, exploration of the Moon and the beginning of the development and production of Helium-3. The next decade is large enterprises, business clusters, a financial center, the construction of the most modern comfortable residential complexes. Participate with me in creating the future today.

At the request of Shamil Saitov, the Association of  of Russian Lawyers for Human Rights publishes a video message from the young leader of Tatarstan.

According to the press service of the Association of  of Russian Lawyers for Human Rights, the specialists of the Association will provide legal and legal support for the implementation of the project.

You may express your desire to participate in the project and contact Shamil Saitov by phone: +7 495 968 30 44, +7 915 337 13 75 Whats App, as well as by e-mail: rusadvocate@inbox.ru, rusadvocato@gmail.com, arkhipova@kosmotech.org.




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