Mobile office - a special program of Open pan-European Anti-Corruption Centre «CLEAN HANDS WITHOUT BORDERS»!

Mobile office - a special program of Open pan-European Anti-Corruption Centre «CLEAN HANDS WITHOUT BORDERS»!

Mobile Office of Anti-Corruption Centre «CLEAN HANDS WITHOUT BORDERS» is a project established to combat corruption in any European country.

Any European NGO or Government may invite the mobile office to its country i.e.  the team of experts and professionals may visit your state to receive complaints and to help in  restoration of violated rights and freedoms.

Mobile Office of Anti-Corruption Centre «CLEAN HANDS WITHOUT BORDERS» may provide:

- Stop of  violation of human rights and freedoms by corrupt officials and corrupt law enforcement agencies in any European country;

- Using of international mechanisms and experience of protection and restoring of human rights of European peoples;

- Legal aid and civil support for the people from Europe faced corruption;

- Restoring the rights of people have fallen into traps of corrupt officials or corrupt law enforcement officials;

-  Joining efforts of European NGOs  International mass-media groups and European bodies in combating corruption;

- Urging the state to respond to our allegation with evidences of corruption.

Contact us

Call now! +7 495 923 34 98 or +7 495 968-30-44, (twenty-four-hour hotlines)

Address of Headquarter: 119121, Moscow, Smolensky Boulevard, b.7 (Mon-Fri, 12.00-18.00)

You may use the on-line consultation at our site -

Note!  There is no hopeless situation!

Not silent about the facts of corruption!

Always remember, corruption can be overcome by combining the votes of citizens, the positions of independent mass media and a real Government anti-corruption policy!

If you are against corruption in Europe - vote!



Robert Kaminsky – a mayor of Svobodny had been under four falsified criminal cases. The mayor had been removed from office. He restored all his rights now;
Evgeny Tkachuk from Mytischi had been under falsified criminal case, He restored rights now;
Tamara Buylova – an entrepreneur from St. Petersburg had suffered extortion of bribes, her business had been under corruption pressure. She restored her rights. Her business is developing now;
Marat Musin – a businessman from Salavat his business had been under corruption pressure. He restored rights. His business is developing now;
Andrei Kuz'min – a businessman from Kazan his business had been under corruption pressure in Arbitrage. He restored rights.
Tatiana Vdovina from Saransk Her son was had been killed by youth group in Night club. Only one murderer was sentenced to 15 days of arrest. The sentence was quashed.
Boris Barelyuk – an entrepreneur from Moscow his business had been under corruption pressure. He restored rights. His business is developing now;