As the press-service of the Association of Russian Lawyers for Human Rights said, 06 January 2015 Russian Government adopted the decision №1604 "About the list of the medical contraindications, medical conditions and medical restrictions to driving", which significantly restricted the rights of LGBT people, people with limb amputation and rare, including and hereditary eye diseases, people shorter than 150 cm to drive a vehicle. All these groups may stay without the driving license.
First time Russia included to the list of medical contraindications to driving the group of diseases, according to the International Classification of Diseases №10, the personality disorders and behavior in adulthood F60 - F69. All transgender people, bigender, asexuals, transvestites, crossdressers, people who need in a sex reassignment were recognized by Russian Government as a people with the deviations. The state deprived these groups their rights to drive a vehicle.

on the photo: Alexander Peskov, Russian parodist
According to the decision of Russian Government, Russian well-known artists, such as Verka Serduchka, the parodist Alexander Peskov, who dress up in women's images, the well-known foreign singer Conchita Wurst should be denied of the driver's license.
The achromatopsia also is the reason of the refusal in obtaining of the driver's license, like the amputee.
The experts of the Association stressed, that the decision of Russian Government will cause the serious violations of human rights, the decision demonstrates the prejudice against the groups of citizens.
The experts of the Association said, that the reason of the refusal in obtaining of the driver's license may be, for example, the visit of a human to the sex-shop: if the police get the information about the purchase in the sex-shop (handcuffs, dildo) the human may lose the driver's license.
The women with underdeveloped breasts, men with the deviation in the development of secondary sexual characteristics, man with a thin beard, woman with abundant growth of body hair may lose the driver's license or get the refusal in obtaining of the driver's license. If police get the information about your sexual preferences, for example, the preferences of the elements of the sadomasochism in the intimate sphere, about the couple exchanging underwear, people may lose their driver's license.

Also, the decision allows to use the practice of the writing of the denunciations about the sexual preferences against LGBT.
The restricting of the rights of the amputees deprives them of the driving. The amputees in USSR could use the cars with the special mechanisms, which allowed them to be the equal members of society, people with the growth of 150 centimeters could use the special devices.
The presence of prosthetic limbs, the digital prosthetic eye or eyes do not remove the limitation on driving.

In fact, experts say the Association, the decision demonstrates the invasion of the privacy of each person who plans to drive a vehicle, the resolution discriminates the individuals and the groups of citizens, obviously contradicts the international legal norms and standards, the Constitution the Russian Federation. Also new regulation provides a new growth of corruption.
The experts of the Association of Russian Lawyers for Human Rights will prepare the complaints to the Presidential Council on Human Rights; the complaint to Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation and to the international organizations.