

On 28 July 2009 Ministry of Justice of Russian Federation suggested a new initiative concerning position of Russian lawyer. Alexander Konovalov a Minister of Justice plans to introduce a system of regular mandatory retesting of all Russian lawyers - the professional re-examinations are invited at least once every 5 years.
- The initiative of Ministry of Justice is the regular attempt to eliminate the independence of Russian Lawyers, - Evgeny Arkhipov a Chairman Association of Russian Lawyers for Human Rights said. - In practice, we face with different methods of pressure against many Russian lawyers especially at regional and local level. For example, if lawyer advocated victims of seeking of officials or law enforcement, he suffers a falsification of criminal case against him, or he is deprived of Lawyer Status or he becomes a victim of violence and even killing. A striking example is the murder of lawyer Stanislav Markelov in down town of Moscow. Alexander Konovalov’s proposal is unconstitutional and violates international rules and standards which guarantee the independence of all lawyers in the World. The attempt to adopt   «professional examination» every 5 years for Russian lawyers follows to the result that the most independent, principled lawyers will not be able to pass the specified test and will lose their status.
Everybody remembers the pressure against the lawyer Karinna Moskalenko, when the Ministry of Justice initiated a procedure of deprivation of her lawyer status.
Thus, according to this proposal, a lawyer who reached 70 years of age must pass professional examination every 5 years.
Also this initiative affects the most reputable lawyers - Reznik, Kucherena, Padva etc.,



Evgeny Arkhipov, Lawyer

01 July 2009 in frame of Association of Russian Lawyers for Human Rights, Russian Anti-Corruption Civil Society Center Clean Hands is holding  the press-conference «Corruption in Russia: an independent annual report of Russian Anti-Corruption Civil Society Center Clean Hands.

At the press conference the following information are announced:

-  level of corruption in Russia: an independent annual report basing on statistic and activity results  of  Russian Anti-Corruption Civil Society Center Clean Hands;
-  problem of falsifications  of criminal cases like fight against corruption in Russia;
- corruption and political persecution in Russia;
- corruption and mass-media in Russia.

The press-conference is participated:

- Evgeny Arkhipov, a Chairman of Association of Russian Lawyers for Human Rights, Head of Russian Anti-Corruption Civil Society Center Clean Hands, Lawyer;
- Oleg Levytskyi, Ukrainian Helsinki Human Rights Union, Lawyer;
- Julia Guseynova, a Press -secretary of Association of Russian Lawyers for Human Rights, Journalist.

Also the press-conference attended by human rights defender  CSO activists of Ukraine.
Press- Center of UNIAN,
Kyiv, Kreshchatik str.4
Beginning at 13.30 PM (local time)
Accreditation by phone: +380 44 279-3523


Justice. Andrew Mochalin in the courtroom. June 01, 200

02 June 2009 6 years instead of 15 days

01 June 2009 the Criminal Court of Leninsky district of Saransk city sentenced Oleg Mochalin for 6 years of imprisonment in colony of general regime. The prisoner was taken into custody in the courtroom.  Tatyana Vdovina, whose son Victor had been killed, has been seeking a new sentence for Oleg Mochalin for two years. It has been possible after civil society control and media attention to the scandalous sentence of 15-day in prison for the murder of Victor in Russian provincial city Saransk.
In October 2008, Tatiana Vdovina complained to Russian Anti-Corruption Civil Society Center «Clean Hands», where her case was taken under civil society control. The appropriate addresses was prepared by Clean Hands to Russian President,  to Head of Investigation Committee, to Supreme Court , to Attorney General, to Public Chamber of Russia.
This case has been mentioning in European and Russian mass-media.
As a result we can see the sentence which demonstrates the effectiveness of civil society control once again.

Russian Anti-Corruption Civil Society Center «Clean Hands» thanks for the assistance in the case of Tatiana Vdovina: Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, Attorney General Yury Chaika, Head of Investigation Committee Aleksandr Bastrykin, a member of Public Chamber of Russia Olga Kostina, TV « Petersburg -Channel 5», TVC television program« The Moment of Truth »and personally Andrei Karaulov, correspondent s of TV France 2.

Yours Faithfully
Clean Hands
(495) 968-30-44
(495) 923-34-98


The issue of the eviction of the Russian CSO “Roerichs Center” is still opened despite strong protests of the members of Public Chamber of Voronezh region and the residents of Voronezh city. The basement office of Roerichs Center placed in Voronezh on Kukolkina Street, 1 is still under the arrest of the list of Real Estates offered for sale for debts of the city. Local authorities’ actions contradict Russian Constitution and the Law about CSO.
-  The coordinated action of local authorities against Roerichs Center shows a low level of understanding of role of civil society, as well as the lack of understanding of the role of Roerich's teachings in the world philosophy and culture- a president of Association of Russian Lawyers for Human Rights Evgeny Arkhipov is explaining the situation. -  It is unacceptable behavior of local authorities of the city with a million residents of different cultural and national communities. Unfortunately, Voronezh is well known as city with nationalist moods and intolerance to other cultures, religions. The pressure of local authorities against Roerichs Center shows a low level of tolerance which aggravating the difficult situation in the City. Due to the fact that the appeal of Association of Russian Lawyers for Human Rights had been ignored by local authorities we have decided to declare the action to support the Roerichs Center in Voronezh.
Association of Russian Lawyers for Human Rights addresses   to Russian President Dmitry Medvedev  and Chairman of the party «United Russia» Vladimir Putin for intervening in the illegal actions of local authorities to stop persecution against Roerichs Center.

06 MAY 2009 KARABASH: Operation of Rescue

Association of Russian Lawyers for Human Rights reminds that in March 2009 we received a complaint from residents of  Karabash city of Chelyabinsk region  in Russia about violations of  environmental law by the local companies.
Neighborhood of the city resembles frames of the movie «Terminator» or images from the planet Mars where the red river and black streams are flowing, where there are no vegetations, where mountains of industrial waste rise. We have got information from local residents that their average life - 38-40 years.
30 April 2009 due the catastrophic environmental situation in the city Karabash the Association had been prepared and sent the appropriate addresses to Russian President Dmitry Medvedev and President of Public Chamber of Russia Evgeny Velikhov.
In the addresses Evgeny Arkhipov a Chairman of Association of Russian Lawyers for Human Rights suggested to join forces for saving people life and the environment around Karabash.
In the addresses to Mr. Medvedev and Mr. Velikhov, we ask  as soon as possible to resolve issues of relocation of  Karabash  inhabitants at nearby towns that are outside of the negative effects of Karabash harmful industries, we suggest Russian Government to organize environmental examination of independent experts  under civil society and media control, in case of impossibility of installation pollution control equipment we ask the Government to close the hazardous industries in Karabash - Evgeny Arkhipov said.

03 March 2009 Belgorod Reichskanzler put the leader of NGO at the psychiatric clinic!

In Russia the leader of NGO Mikhail Alyanyh was sent by authorities and officials of law enforcement of Belgorod region in psychiatric clinic after his opposing to the demolition of New Oskol city monument of Russian soldiers perished in the Second World War.
As a result of the barbarism the monument place disappeared - instead Soldiers Steles the local market built.
Belgorod former businessman Mikhail Alyanyh expressed his position to defend the monument of Russian soldiers perished in the Second World War in New Oskol and organized anti-corruption foundation «Antiment» ( against corruption police translated) to help citizens affected by corruption at local bodies.  On Michael initiative the local chief of police and the chief of traffic police were fired.
Also Alyanyh accused the chairman of the district court in corruption.
Foundation activity was covered constantly in local media.  Among other things, Alyanyh commented negatively the demolition of the solders’ monument and the building of market.
After that incident Alyanyh had been caught by a local police and he was placed at the psychiatric clinic. After one and half of year at the psychiatric clinic he learned that he had been sent for psychiatric treatment by the trial in absentia (without Alyanyh participation at the court). In doing so, the local administration was appointed as the guardian of «the patient».

This striking example of violations of fundamental human rights and freedoms was presented at the press conference devoted the opening ceremony of European Anti-Corruption Center «CLEAN HANDS WITHOUT BORDERS» February 18, 2009.

26 February 2009 Mobile office - a special program of Open pan-European Anti-Corruption Centre «CLEAN HANDS WITHOUT BORDERS»!

Mobile Office of Anti-Corruption Centre «CLEAN HANDS WITHOUT BORDERS» is a project established to combat corruption in any European country.

Any European NGO or Government may invite the mobile office to its country i.e.  the team of experts and professionals may visit your state to receive complaints and to help in  restoration of violated rights and freedoms.

Mobile Office of Anti-Corruption Centre «CLEAN HANDS WITHOUT BORDERS» may provide:

- Stop of  violation of human rights and freedoms by corrupt officials and corrupt law enforcement agencies in any European country;

- Using of international mechanisms and experience of protection and restoring of human rights of European peoples;

- Legal aid and civil support for the people from Europe faced corruption;

- Restoring the rights of people have fallen into traps of corrupt officials or corrupt law enforcement officials;

-  Joining efforts of European NGOs  International mass-media groups and European bodies in combating corruption;

- Urging the state to respond to our allegation with evidences of corruption.
Contact us
Call now! +7 495 923 34 98 or +7 495 968-30-44, (twenty-four-hour hotlines)
Address of Headquarter: 119121, Moscow, Smolensky Boulevard, b.7 (Mon-Fri, 12.00-18.00)

You may use the on-line consultation at our site -

Note!  There is no hopeless situation!

Not silent about the facts of corruption!

Always remember, corruption can be overcome by combining the votes of citizens, the positions of independent mass media and a real Government anti-corruption policy!

24 February 2009 Take under your own control Clean Hands Hot Line +7 495 968 30 44

Russian Anti-Corruption Center Clean Hands Hot line +7 495 968 30 44 was locked on 25 September 2008.
We investigated our problems fixed the phone lock and contacted with the operator of communication «Bee-Line».
Its officials confirmed the existence of technical limitations of incoming calls.
Hot Line number was taken under the control of the operator.
During operator’s control Hot line was working in a short period of time.
The situation was worse on 04 December 2008. All Clean Hands employees’ phones were blocked for incoming and outgoing calls.

We have only one enemy is corruption. Our activities are aimed to promote democracy in Russia, to protect the state from corrupted officials.
We declare that the Russian Anti-Corruption Center «Clean Hands» continue its activity and plans its further development.

Our fight against corruption is real!

Any person from any country in any time can support our activity in Russia.  

Take under your own control Clean Hands Hot Line +7 495 968 30 44

Give your vote against corruption!



Robert Kaminsky – a mayor of Svobodny had been under four falsified criminal cases. The mayor had been removed from office. He restored all his rights now;
Evgeny Tkachuk from Mytischi had been under falsified criminal case, He restored rights now;
Tamara Buylova – an entrepreneur from St. Petersburg had suffered extortion of bribes, her business had been under corruption pressure. She restored her rights. Her business is developing now;
Marat Musin – a businessman from Salavat his business had been under corruption pressure. He restored rights. His business is developing now;
Andrei Kuz'min – a businessman from Kazan his business had been under corruption pressure in Arbitrage. He restored rights.
Tatiana Vdovina from Saransk Her son was had been killed by youth group in Night club. Only one murderer was sentenced to 15 days of arrest. The sentence was quashed.
Boris Barelyuk – an entrepreneur from Moscow his business had been under corruption pressure. He restored rights. His business is developing now;

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