President of International Olympic Committee
Mr. Jacques Rogge
Dear Mr. Rogge,
Association of Russian Lawyers for Human rights expresses its concern in connection with flagrant violations of human rights and freedoms of residents of village Matveevka of Domodedovo city of Moscow Region in Russia during the preparation for Olympic Games in Sochi 2014.
We inform you, 04 September 2009 without any warnings and any agreements with residents of Matveeka, Municipality of Domodedovo city and Moscow regional authorities, Russian Government through its constructing companies began its own works of expansion of the high-speed highway M4 "DON" on 52nd kilometer to establish the Item tools at this site of the highway. The highway was planned to expand from two lanes to eleven at the expense of the plots which are privet property of the residents of Matveevka.
The builders had destroyed a single environmental boarder between the highway and the village, then the workers tried to demolish the private homes with the people inside.
Matveevka residents whose lives and property were in danger took to the streets.
In response to residents the builders referred to the decision of Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin about need to expand the highway M4 "DON" on the 52nd kilometer in connection with planning increase of vehicular traffic to the place of Olympic Games 2014 year.
We note that all the houses and the plots are private property of the citizens. The real estates according to the legislation registration as a private property of the citizens at federal, regional, and municipal bodies.
Only through the protests and the support of the NGOs, among them are our Association, Solidarity, the party of Yabloko, Liberal Democratic Party and other civil organizations, mass-media attention, we succeeded in stopping the illegal expansion of the highway.
Pay attention, that the construction place which are privet property of residents of Matveevka was landscaped with the trees with the support of the international organization Greenpeace. This land was called "Olympic lane".
We note that Russian federal authorities in their official statements announced repeatedly that they were not informed about the results of the referendum when over 95% of the residents of Domodedovo city voted against any constructions of item tolls in Domodedovo 02 December 2007 .
Important that the results of the referendum approved by Central Election Commission of Russia and placed at the site of this federal body.
According to Russian Constitution, a referendum is the supreme power of people and any authority of any level does not have any rights to cancel decision of referendum. The Constitution also guarantees the independence of Municipality from the state.
According to European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms the state must respect human rights and freedoms in its activity must be based on need of democratic society to protect and defend human rights and freedoms. However, State acts contradict to these principles and violate article 2 European Convention guarantees right to life.
We witnessed the use of the construction equipment against the living people: the drivers of the bulldozers and the excavators were trying to hurt the people, including the children. We consider this act as the Crime against humanity according to article 7 of Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court. In this case the right to respect home was violated this right guaranteed by article 8 of the European Convention: for many villagers their homes in Matveeka are only single place to live. Any attempts to hold peaceful assemblies and protests were suppressed, the propaganda posters foiled: the streets of Matveevka were patrolling constantly by the police and the inelegant service cars that is Crime against humanity according to article 7 of Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court and flagrant violation of articles 10 and 11 of the European Convention guarantee the right to freedom of expression and freedom of peaceful assembly.
The Government organizations without any sanctions were planning to construct the highway and office buildings on private property of the citizens without their permission and sanction of court. Moreover the reimbursements were not planed. Some federal authorities said false information that the villagers took part of adjacent land. This information is provocative and aimed at manipulating public opinion, disorienting people. We emphasize that Matveevka is a village located 30 km far from Moscow was populated by the disabilities, the orphans, the veterans of World War II, the retires to provide them homes by the Municipality of Domodedovo city in 1991.
According to the master plan of Domodedovo city the border of the highway is not less than 70 meters from the village. However, the illegal project has the border of the highway through the territory of village Matveevka, that leading to elimination factually of the village. Practical realization of this federal project is Crime against humanity according to article 7 of Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court and flagrant violation of Article 1 of Protocol 1 of the European Convention which guarantees the inviolability of private property.
Leonid Kovalevsky a head of Municipality Domodedovo city expressed perturbation the crime. During the meeting with villagers Matveevka Leonid Kovalevsky had called acts of the federal builders as the crime against humanity and appealed to Russian Transport Minister with the claims to stop the construction. Boris Gromov a governor of Moscow region appealed to Mr. Igor Levitin a Russian Minister of Transport with a requirement to stop the violation of human rights and freedoms of residents Matveevka. As we know, the Government corporations referring on Olympic construction and its unlimited power press constantly the regional and the municipal authorities to lobby for continuing the illegal construction in Matveevka.
Dear Mr. Rogge, on the basis of the above we ask you to intervene personally in the massive violations of human rights and freedoms having all the signs of crimes against population of the entire settlement in the name of Olympic Games in Sochi 2014.
We believe the position of initiative group of Matveevka about need appellation to Swiss Federal Police and International Criminal Court is justified in the case of non-intervention of International Olympic Committee in the situation.
According to International Criminal Law the Claim of residents of Matveevka addressed you we consider as the notification about crimes taking place against people: since you get this notification you as an official of the IOC is responsible for the violation of human rights and freedoms of population of Matveevka in the event of continuing of illegal construction.
We express our solidarity and support to residents Matveevka in the fight their rights and freedoms.
In order to resolve the situation and investigate more detailed violations we invite you to visit Matveevka and listen the victims, their families, meet the residents of the village see the damage caused during the preparing for Olympic Games in Sochi of 2014.
Sincerely yours,
Evgeny Arkhipov
Chairman of Association of Russian Lawyers for Human rights,
Tel+7 (495) 968-30-44
119121, Moscow, Smolensky Boulevard, b.7